It takes place today 3 October the XII edition of “On the streets of Dorino, Pesaro-Borgo Pace”, tourist event with tests reserved for ASI certified vintage cars built by 2001 which retraces the roads of the Pesaro hinterland on which the famous Pesaro driver Dorino Serafini used to train (in the picture).
The departure from Borgo Santa Maria is at 9,15 with destination Borgo Pace crossing Tufo di Urbino, birthplace of Serafini. Upon arrival, meeting with the institutions, with welcome drink offered by the Municipality of Borgo Pace. Then start of 10 skill tests. Then transfer for lunch and to follow prizes and delivery of a souvenir object to all participants. General classification and awards will take place by applying the ASI coefficients with awards to the first five crews. The organization is from the historic Autoclub "Dorino Serafini" of Pesaro in collaboration with the Terra di Motori e Piloti Association. Another new event organized by’ ASP Dorino Serafini in collaboration with "Land of pilots and engines" to be held next 3 October.
The event is registered as in the past in the ASI calendar and has received various awards over the years; this year it is enriched by the registration in the ASI Trophy of the "Tourist-cultural events with trials". Participants competed in ability tests with mechanical and digital stopwatch (eg mobile phone) that will allow us to have fun and distribute numerous prizes.
The readings of the tests were carried out by ASI timekeepers.
The regularity of the event and the regulations were supervised with the presence of an ASI Delegate.
Some pictures of the event