The engine is in the soul of Pesaro, the engine in its freest form, the most playful and in tune with the environment, the one best suited to move on the beautiful roads leading from the Adriatic sea, crossing spectacular hills, arrive in the Apennines between the Marches, Romagna Umbria and Tuscany. TPM was born with a motorcycle vocation, and the itineraries were designed with a’ users a “two wheels”, but we believe that even by car they can be traveled and enjoyed with the utmost satisfaction.

The motorcycle for Pesaro is therefore passion, work, sport, history, culture, but it is also the means that expresses the character of this city well, ready to get involved, to compete, to grow solid economies without losing sight of the things that make people's lives and an entire community beautiful.

TPM has expanded its area of ​​intervention to the world of four wheels, supporting and promoting events, station, gatherings, exhibitions and facilities, also in the automotive sector. We are still working but the first results of the 2021 they proved us right.

These itineraries proposals of ours want to be a basic line of motorized tourism to make known places to a wider audience, culture, specialty, beauties and monuments of our land.

Start the engine!

Here is a series of proposed itineraries that you can discover when you prefer!
You just have to click on the chosen itinerary and inside you will find
the map and the curiosity of all the stages of the route.
What are you waiting for?

Good trip!



